The following projects are available for version 16 and possibly lower.
1 | Apache Camel Hippo Events Support Use Apache Camel from Hippo Event Bus. |
Repository |
2 | Bloomreach XM Utilities Generic code for reusage. |
Repository |
3 | Breadcrumb An HST component providing a site breadcrumb. |
Repository |
4 | B.R.U.T. Unit test the delivery tier with the Bloomreach Unit Testing library. |
Repository |
5 | Content Export / Import Higher level Content Export and Import. |
Repository |
6 | Document Commenting Plugin Add commenting functionality for content editors in the CMS. |
Repository |
7 | Document Translation Picker Pick an existing document as a translation for another document. |
Repository |
8 | Embargo Plugin Put documents, assets and images under embargo, for other CMS users not to see them. |
Repository |
9 | External Document Picker Implement external document pickers for the CMS. |
Repository |
10 | Feeds Create RSS and ATOM feeds based on CMS documents. |
Repository |
11 | Folder Context Menus Add extra options to the folder context menu. |
Repository |
12 | Gallery Magick Image Processing Alternative image processing. |
Repository |
13 | HST Content Version Utils Retrieve versioned, frozen nodes content using HST Content Beans. |
Repository |
14 | HST Spring Security Support Combine HST Spring Security with HST. |
Repository |
15 | IFrame Perspective Add a CMS Perspective using an IFrame. |
Repository |
16 | IP Filter Plugin Control access to CMS and site on IP level. |
Repository |
17 | JCR POJO Binding Map JCR Nodes to simple beans. |
Repository |
18 | Localization Shortcut Change your current locale and timezone from th CMS. |
Repository |
19 | OAI-PMH Provider Provide a REST resource for the PMH protocol from Open Archives Initiative. |
Repository |
20 | Page Flow Manage states of pages with Page Flow documents in the CMS. |
Repository |
21 | Page Management Support Copy content when a page is copied in the Channel Manager. |
Repository |
22 | Properties Plugin Create and use documents with a flat list of name/value pairs. |
Repository |
23 | Reset Password Have your CMS password reset. |
Repository |
24 | Review Workflow Enable the user to request a review after a document change. |
Repository |
25 | Servlet Filter Decorators Wrap/unwrap request context paths on behalf of third party (security) filters. |
Repository |
26 | Sitemap-v2 Generate sitemap.xml - an alternative for the standard sitemap plugin. |
Repository |
27 | Templating Support Use Handlebars or Thymeleaf templates instead of Freemarker. |
Repository |
28 | Version History Cleaner Clean up old document revisions in version history on publication events. |
Repository |
The following projects are available for version 13 and possibly lower.
1 | Gallery Background Processor Have image variants created in the background. |
Repository |
2 | Generic Resource Entity Builder API Generic Resource Entity Builder (GREB) API allowing a simple, flexible JSON producing in standard HstComponents |
Repository |
3 | Hipshoot Integrate with Spring Boot. |
Repository |
4 | HST Spring Framework Support Combine Spring framework with HST. |
Repository |
5 | JCR Shell Get shell access to JCR system through JCR over WebDAV. |
Repository |
6 | WebDAV Support Access Hippo Repository via JCR over WebDAV connections. |
Repository |
The following projects are available for version 12 and possibly lower. Upgrade efforts are very welcome, see code contributions.
1 | Advanced Search Taxonomy Workflow From the search perspective, set multiple documents with selected taxonomy categories. |
Repository |
2 | Domain Creation Automatically create simple domain rules for your project. |
Repository |
3 | Essentializer Package existing functionality as Essentials plugin. |
Repository |
4 | External Resources Manage external resources from Mediamosa in the CMS. |
Repository |
5 | HST Apache Shiro Integration Support Combine Apache Shiro with HST. |
Repository |
6 | HST PDF Renderer Transform HTML output into PDF output in your site. |
Repository |
The following projects are retired by the team. They are not maintained any more and/or superseded by other functionalities.
1 | CMIS Replication Module Replicate external documents as Hippo assets using CMIS open standard. |
Repository |
2 | HST Salesforce Integration Integrate with Salesforce via REST API. |
Repository |
3 | JCR Runner Do bulk operations on a running JCR repository over RMI. |
Repository |
4 | URL Rewriter Create rewrite rules for your site, based on CMS documents. |
Repository |
5 | Settings Management Edit settings from the CMS instead of console. |
Repository |
6 | Web Archiving Integrate with Web Archiving agencies. |
Repository |
The Bloomreach Forge Maven Skin for documentation sites, with its repository, is not bound to a product version.