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Bloomreach XM Extra Folder Context Menus

This project provides extra Folder Context Menu items such as 'Copy folder...' and 'Move folder...' for Bloomreach XM with extensible base implementations for developers.

The best way to explain this feature is probably to show screenshots.

Folder copy and move context menu

After installing this plugin, you will be able to see 'Copy folder...' and 'Move folder...' context menus.

Folder copy dialog

In the Folder Copy dialog, you can select the destination folder, folder name and folder URL name.

After copying a folder

Please try to click on the "See Also" links field to open the linked documents. The document links are automatically reset to the corresponding copied documents under the same copied root folder if the linked document was under the same root folder.

Folder move dialog

In the Folder Move dialog, you can select the destination folder, folder name and folder URL name.

After moving a folder

Please try to click on the "See Also" links field to open the linked documents. In this case, the document links are not affected by moving the folder because all the internal document lnks are based on node identifiers (UUIDs).

Programmatic Folder Copy and Move

It is also possible to use the library in programmatic way (e.g, in Java code or Groovy script) to copy or move a folder. In that case, refer to the Installing Only the Common module of Bloomreach XM Extra Folder Context Menus Plugin section.

For folder copy, see the following Java code example:

import org.onehippo.forge.folderctxmenus.common.FolderCopyTask;

        Session jcrSession = ...; // you get session somehow, depending on context.

        try {
            String sourceFolderPath = "/content/documents/myhippoproject/news";
            String targetFolderPath = "/content/documents/myhippoproject";
            String destFolderNodeName = "news2";
            String destFolderDisplayName = "News 2";

            Node sourceFolderNode = jcrSession.getNode(sourceFolderPath);
            Node targetFolderNode = jcrSession.getNode(targetFolderPath);

            FolderCopyTask task =
                    new FolderCopyTask(jcrSession, Locale.ENGLISH,
                                       sourceFolderNode, targetFolderNode,
                                       destFolderNodeName, destFolderDisplayName);

            // copy /content/documents/myhippoproject/news to
            //      /content/documents/myhippoproject/news2

        } finally {

For folder move, see the following Java code example:

import org.onehippo.forge.folderctxmenus.common.FolderMoveTask;

        Session jcrSession = ...; // you get session somehow, depending on context.

        try {
            String sourceFolderPath = "/content/documents/myhippoproject/news/2011";
            String targetFolderPath = "/content/documents/myhippoproject/common";
            String destFolderNodeName = "2011";
            String destFolderDisplayName = "2011";

            Node sourceFolderNode = jcrSession.getNode(sourceFolderPath);
            Node targetFolderNode = jcrSession.getNode(targetFolderPath);

            FolderMoveTask task =
                    new FolderMoveTask(jcrSession, Locale.ENGLISH,
                                       sourceFolderNode, targetFolderNode,
                                       destFolderNodeName, destFolderDisplayName);

            // move /content/documents/myhippoproject/news/2011 to
            //      /content/documents/myhippoproject/common/2011

        } finally {

Demo Application

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Build the project using Maven:

$ mvn install

And, build and run the demo in the demo subfolder.

$ cd demo
$ mvn clean package
$ mvn -P

Visit http://localhost:8080/cms/.