Fork me on GitHub


On the Bloomreach Forge, plugins are developed and maintained by the Bloomreach Community, consisting of both developers from Bloomreach and external developers, from partners and clients.

Forge projects can be maintained during the course of an implementation project. For instance, it is pretty common for a plugin to be upgraded during a project upgrade. This also goes for new features or bug fixing.

Code Contributions

Code contributions are very much welcome! On GitHub, they exist mostly in the form of pull requests. External organizations can drive those pull requests, or feature requests, or release requests by contacting the Bloomreach Services department.

See the GitHub documentation on contributing, basically forking and developing in a separate branch.


Forking into other (non-Forge) GitHub locations is of course a possibility for further development on behalf of your project. In fact, a fork is the starting point of a pull request!

See also the GitHub documentation on forking.

Outside Collaborators

External developers can also apply, or be asked for, the GitHub role of ‘Outside Collaborator’ of a project. If that occurs, an external developer has push rights on the repository.

Branching Strategy

We like to adhere to the the well-established Git Flow by Vincent Driessen.

In short, the ‘master’ branch is always the same as the latest release, whilst the ‘develop’ branch is used as base for features and bug fixes. See using git flow.

Artifact Repository

Artifacts can be retrieved from the Hippo Maven Forge Repository at

For publishing, the Maven distributionManagement.repository.url value is to be set at Only Bloomreach developers have the access rights to publish it here.

Issue Tracking

The JIRA at

Continuous Integration

Travis at