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As of 2017-07-07, this project is retired. This site is kept online for archiving purposes for the time being. Due to the lack of a developer community, the codebase was no longer actively maintained and the integration APIs and usages were outdated too much. The team therefore had no other choice but to retire this project. If you are looking for an integration library for SalesForce REST API, please consider the CRISP API as an alternative.

What is SalesForce Integration Components?

The SalesForce Integration Components provides POJO based components which enables easy integration with SalesForce via REST API.

So, you can make use of these POJO based components in your application in various ways. For example, you can use those directly in your Java codes, or you can take advantage of components assembly with Spring Framework, Apache Camel, etc.

Component List

Name Description FQN
SalesForceRestClient A SalesForce REST Client API Wrapper class
SalesForceRestBrowser A Simple SalesForce REST Browser Client which can be used in Command-line. You can run this browser with Maven command as well: $ mvn exec:java
SalesForceRecordCreator SalesForce Record Creation Task Component. This task component creates a record from a JSON string on a specified resource path. org.onehippo.forge.sforcecomps.client.task.SalesForceRecordCreator
SalesForceRecordRetriever SalesForce Record Retrieval Task Component. This task component retrieves a record as JSON string on a specified resource path. org.onehippo.forge.sforcecomps.client.task.SalesForceRecordRetriever
SalesForceRecordUpdater SalesForce Record Updating Task Component. This task component updates a record from a JSON string on a specified base resource path. The input JSON string must contain "id" property. This task will generate the target resource path by appending the ID property to the base resource path. org.onehippo.forge.sforcecomps.client.task.SalesForceRecordUpdater
SalesForceRecordDeleter SalesForce Record Deletion Task Component. This task component deletes a record from a JSON string on a specified base resource path. The input JSON string must contain "id" property. This task will generate the target resource path by appending the ID property to the base resource path. org.onehippo.forge.sforcecomps.client.task.SalesForceRecordDeleter