JCR Shell provides a command-line tool to get access to a remote JCR Webdav Server which provides JCR API access over WebDAV/HTTP(S).
JCR Shell is a pure JCR/Jackrabbit based client tool. Therefore, this tool should work against any Apache Jackrabbit based JCR system.
If you want to use JCR Shell against Hippo CMS, enable JCR Webdav Server in the system. See Hippo Repository JCR/WebDAV Support forge project homepage for detail.
You can download an executable JAR file of JCR Shell from Bloomreach Forge Maven repository: https://maven.onehippo.com/maven2-forge/org/onehippo/forge/jcrshell/jcrshell/. Move to the latest version directory and download jcrshell-x.x.x.jar from there.
You can run JCR Shell like the following:
$ java -jar jcrshell-2.0.0.jar --server="http://localhost:8080/cms/server" --user="admin:admin" . ____ _ __ _ _ /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \ ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \ \\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) ) ' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / / =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/ :: Spring Boot :: (v2.0.4.RELEASE) JCR Shell 2.0.0 exit or quit leaves program. help lists commands. jcr-shell:>
You can execute help to see all the available commands with descriptions.
jcr-shell:> help ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command Usage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aliases aliases cd cd [<path>|<reference property>] cdprev cdprev cduuid cduuid <uuid> credentials credentials <username> exit exit filecd filecd <path> filelist filelist [<directory>] filepwd filepwd <path> findreferences findreferences finduuid finduuid <uuid> help help [<command>] jexl jexl <path> [<argument> [..]] login login logout logout ls ls [<path>] mixinadd mixinadd <mixin type> mixinlist mixinlist mixinremove mixinremove <mixin type> namespaceadd namespaceadd <prefix> <uri> namespacelist namespacelist namespaceremove namespaceremove <prefix> nodeadd nodeadd <nodename> [<type>] nodeallowed nodeallowed nodecheckin checkin nodecheckout checkout nodecopy nodecopy <nodename> <target parent>/[name] nodediff nodediff <nodeame> [<path>/]<base> nodeexport nodeexport <nodename> <xml file> [<skipBinaries>] nodeimport nodeimport <xml file> [<uuidBehavior> [<referenceBehavior> [<mergeBehavior>]]] nodemove nodemove <nnodeame> [<path>/]<new nodename> noderemove noderemove <nodename> nodetree nodetree [<levels>] nodetypeget nodetypeget <name> nodetypelist nodetypelist [<primary|mixin>] order order <child node> (before|after|up|down|first|last) [<child node>] propadd propadd <property> [<type>] propallowed propallowed propdelete propdelete <property> [<property> [..]] propget propget <property> [<property> [..]] proplist proplist [<node>] propload propload <binary property> <file> propset propset <property> <value> [<type>] propstore propstore <binary property> <file> pwd pwd query query <sql|xpath> <statement> [limit <count>] refresh refresh reset reset save save server server [<http(s)_url>] sessionsave sessionsave status status syspropget syspropget [<property>] syspropset syspropset <property> <value> valueadd valueadd <propertyname> <value> [<type>] valueremove valueremove <property> <value> [<type>] versioncd versioncd <uuid> versioncreate versioncreate [<label>] versiondiff versiondiff [version [<otherversion>]] versioninfo versioninfo [<version>] versionlabeladd versionslabeladd <version> <label> [<true|false>] versionlabelremove versionslabelremove <label> versionlist versionlist versionremove versionremove <version>|<label> versionremoveall versionremoveall versionrestore versionrestore <version>|<label> [<true|false>] versiontree versiontree [<levels>] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command completed in 27 msecs. jcr-shell:>
You can execute help <command> to see the detail of the specific command like the following example:
jcr-shell:> help pwd Usage: pwd Show path to current node Command completed in 0 msecs.
In this section, let's try to change a property value and save it, as an example.
jcr-shell:> cd /webfiles/site done. Command completed in 879 msecs. admin:/webfiles/site> proplist ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Type Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jcr:primaryType Name webfiles:bundle webfiles:anticache String 1538775596692 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command completed in 55 msecs. admin:/webfiles/site> propset webfiles:anticache 1538775596694 Command completed in 0 msecs. admin:/webfiles/site> propget webfiles:anticache 1538775596694 Command completed in 25 msecs. admin:/webfiles/site> save Node saved. Command completed in 31 msecs. jcr-shell:> quit Bye bye!
The jexl command allows you to execute a JEXL script file for more advanced use cases.
The following variables are provided to JEXL script files:
Variable | Description |
arguments | The command line arguments passed to the JEXL script. The first argument is the file path of the JEXL script, followed by other arguments for the JEXL script. For example, if you run > jexl test.jexl 1 2 3, then the arguments variable will look like [ "test.jexl", "1", "2", "3" ]. |
out | The output console, providing #println(CharSequence) method for JEXL scripts |
node | The JCR node you are currently based on in the shell. |
Here's a very simple JEXL script file example:
// ~/temp/test.jexl var nu = new("org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils"); var sum = 0; for (arg : arguments) { // 0 on parsing error as the first arg item is actually the jexl script file name. sum += nu.toInt(arg, 0); } out.println("sum = " + sum); out.println("You're currently on " + node.path + "."); return "Optional return value to show after execution: Hello!";
Then you can execute the JEXL script file like this:
admin:/> cd content/documents admin:...nt/documents> jexl ~/temp/test.jexl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 sum = 45 You're currently on /content/documents. JEXL script executed. Return: Optional return value to show after execution: Hello! Command completed in 3 msecs.
For more information about the JEXL syntax, see JEXL Syntax page.
If you need to depend on any additional JAR files, not included in the jcrshell-x.x.x.jar by default, you can use Spring Boot's loader.path system property to add any extra JARs to the classpath.
For example, the following will add all the JAR files found in lib/ directory when executing the JCR Shell:
$ java -Dloader.path="lib/" \ -jar jcrshell-2.0.0.jar \ --server="http://localhost:8080/cms/server" \ --user="admin:admin"
You can execute a batch file containing one or multiple lines of each command explained above as well by specifying --batch argument like the following example:
$ java -jar jcrshell-2.0.0.jar --server="http://localhost:8080/cms/server" --user="admin:admin" --batch="test.sh" . ____ _ __ _ _ /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \ ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \ \\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) ) ' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / / =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/ :: Spring Boot :: (v2.0.4.RELEASE) JCR Shell 2.0.0 ...
If you specify a batch file by --batch argument, then JCR Shell will read all the non-blank lines from the file except of comment lines.
If a line in a batch file starts with "#", the line is regarded as a comment.