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Example: JPA Document Field Picker

Configuring Field in Document Type Definition

In a namespace bootstrap YAML file, you should add a custom field like the following example (an example with SimpleJPQLExternalDocumentServiceFacade executing JPQL queries against external database):

        jcr:primaryType: hipposysedit:field
        hipposysedit:mandatory: false
        // flag indicating whether the data is saved by the facade implementation as single or multiple string
        hipposysedit:multiple: true
        hipposysedit:ordered: false
        // property name to store the external document IDs. In this example, same as below.
        hipposysedit:path: exdocpickerbasedemo:informantids
        hipposysedit:primary: false
        hipposysedit:type: String
        jcr:primaryType: frontend:plugin
        caption: Informant
        engine: ${engine}
        mode: ${mode} ${}.left.item
        wicket.model: ${wicket.model}

        // plugin with configuration properties
        plugin.class: org.onehippo.forge.exdocpicker.impl.field.ExternalDocumentFieldSelectorPlugin true
        selection.mode: multiple
        external.document.service.facade: org.onehippo.forge.exdocpicker.demo.jpa.field.SimpleJPQLExternalDocumentServiceFacade

        // custom facade configuration properties exdocpickerbasedemo:informantids
        jpql.item.description.prop: description
        jpql.item.iconlink.prop: photo id long SELECT i FROM Informant i WHERE = :id id
        jpql.item.title.prop: name
        jpql.persistence.unit: newsPU SELECT i FROM Informant i ''

          jcr:primaryType: frontend:pluginconfig

See the following for a full example in the demo project:

JPA/JPQL based ExternalDocumentServiceFacade implementation

See an example JPA/JPQL based ExternalDocumentServiceFacade implementation code here:

Plugin Parameters

You may configure the following plugin parameters in the field definition of your document template definition (a.k.a 'namespace').

Parameter name Description Example value(s) Default value(s)
caption Field caption, used as field label and dialog title. "Informant" "Related external documents"
external.document.service.facade org.onehippo.forge.exdocpicker.api.ExternalDocumentServiceFacade implementation class FQN. "org.onehippo.forge.exdocpicker.demo.jpa.field.SimpleJPQLExternalDocumentServiceFacade"
selection.mode External document selection mode. Either 'single' or 'multiple'. If this is 'single', then users can select only one external document item in the UI. Otherwise, users can select multiple external document items. "single" or
dialog.size The size of the picker popup dialog. "width=600,height=400" "width=835,height=650" Flag whether the popup dialog box will search external documents initially when opening up. true false Search query string or search term when the initial search is made in the dialog box when opening up if is set to true.

Note: it's up to the ExternalDocumentServiceFacade implementation to determine how to deal with the search query argument.
"*" ""
page.size The page size (item count per page) in the popup dialog. 10 5

Plugin Specific Parameters of SimpleJPQLExternalDocumentServiceFacade

The following parameters are set for the SimpleJPQLExternalDocumentServiceFacade implementation additionally.

Parameter name Description Example value(s) Default value(s) The physical node property name to read from or store to when selection an external document. exdocpickerbasedemo:informantids
jpql.persistence.unit JPA persistence unit name defined in persistence-unit.xml newsPU JPQL full text search statement to find multiple external documents by a search term when user enters a search term and clicks on the search button in the picker dialog. SELECT i FROM Informant i If there is a named parameter in '' property, then you can specify the parameter name in this property.
For example, if '' is set to 'SELECT i FROM Informant i WHERE = :name', then you can set this property to 'name'. JPQL search query statement to find single external document by a parameter such as ID. SELECT i FROM Informant i WHERE = :id If there is a named parameter in '' property, then you can specify the parameter name in this property.
For example, if '' is set to 'SELECT i FROM Informant i WHERE = :id', then you can set this property to 'id'.
id The ID property name to retrieve after selecting a JPA POJO bean.
For example, if the JPQL query selects multiple Informant beans and user selects one from it, then the plugin will need to retrieve the ID property from the Informant bean instance. If this property is set to 'id' for instance, then the plugin will invoke Informant#getId() to retrieve the ID in the end.
id The type of the ID property of the JPA POJO bean. It must be 'int', 'long', 'float', 'double' or 'String'. This type information is used for the parameter when executing the JPQL query configured by '' property. long
jpql.item.title.prop The title property name to display in the picker dialog after selecting a JPA POJO bean.
For example, if the JPQL query selects multiple Informant beans and user selects one from it, then the plugin will need to retrieve the title property from the Informant bean instance. If this property is set to 'name' for instance, then the plugin will invoke Informant#getName() to retrieve the title in the end.
jpql.item.description.prop The description property name to display in the picker dialog after selecting a JPA POJO bean.
For example, if the JPQL query selects multiple Informant beans and user selects one from it, then the plugin will need to retrieve the description property from the Informant bean instance. If this property is set to 'description' for instance, then the plugin will invoke Informant#getDescription() to retrieve the title in the end.
jpql.item.iconlink.prop The icon URL link property name to display in the picker dialog after selecting a JPA POJO bean.
For example, if the JPQL query selects multiple Informant beans and user selects one from it, then the plugin will need to retrieve the icon URL link property from the Informant bean instance. If this property is set to 'photo' for instance, then the plugin will invoke Informant#getPhoto() to retrieve the icon URL link in the end.