Available since 3.1.1.
Sometimes you write a Groovy Updater Script to do a batch job. Perhaps you also have wondered if it is possible to execute your Groovy Updater Script at midnight for example just by configuring a Repository Scheduler Job.
Unfortunately, there has been no easy way for that until you find this module! This Groovy Updater Execution Scheduler Job Module allows you to configure a Repository Scheduler Job to execute a Groovy Updater script based on your scheduler configuration.
Suppose you want to execute a Groovy Updater script called "My Daily Documents Updater" at 04:00 am every day.
Then you can add a Repository Scheduler Job named "MyDailyDocumentsUpdaterJob" like the following example:
/hippo:configuration/hippo:modules/scheduler/hippo:moduleconfig: /myjobgroup: jcr:primaryType: hipposched:jobgroup /MyDailyDocumentsUpdaterJob: jcr:primaryType: hipposched:repositoryjob hipposched:attributeNames: [updatername] hipposched:attributeValues: [My Daily Documents Updater] hipposched:enabled: true hipposched:repositoryJobClass: org.onehippo.forge.utilities.repository.scheduling.UpdaterExecutingJob /hipposched:triggers: jcr:primaryType: hipposched:triggers /minutely: jcr:primaryType: hipposched:crontrigger jcr:mixinTypes: ['hippo:lockable', 'mix:lockable'] hipposched:cronExpression: '0 0 4 * * ?' hipposched:enabled: true
In the above example, the Repository Scheduler Job named "MyDailyDocumentsUpdaterJob" was added in a custom job group named "myjobgroup", instead of adding the job into the default "system" job group for clear separation.
Parameters can be passed to org.onehippo.forge.utilities.repository.scheduling.UpdaterExecutingJob
by configuring hipposched:attributeNames
and hipposched:attributeValues
each value of which properties must coupled with each other as name-value pair.
attribute which is associated with the name of the Groovy Updater Script to execute.