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Commons HippoUtil


Static String related utility class. It has these public constants:

   * Map from mime type to common file extension, e.g. "application/pdf" to "pdf".

   * A String array with length zero.

There are the following methods:

   * Abbreviate a text to _approximately_ some number of characters, trying to
   * find a nice word end and then appending some string (defaulting to three dots).
  String abbreviateText(String text, int numberOfCharacters, String appendText)

   * Abbreviate a text to _approximately_ some number of characters, trying to
   * find a nice word end and then appending three dots.
  String abbreviateText(String text, int numberOfCharacters)

   * Concatenates a collection of strings by concatenating the strings and inserting a separator in between
   * each of them. Nulls are handled automatically and there is no separator at the end of sequence.
  String concat(Collection<String> strings, String separator)

   * Concatenates an array of strings by concatenating the strings and inserting a separator in between
   * each of them. Nulls are handled automatically and there is no separator at the end of sequence.
  String concat(String[] strings, String separator)

   * Remove empty (length zero when trimmed) values from a list.
  List<String> removeEmptyValues(List<String> values)

   * Remove empty (length zero when trimmed) values from an array.
  String[] removeEmptyValues(String[] values)

   * Replaces a ${variableName} in a template with replacement value provided.
  String replacePlaceHolders(String variableName, String replacementValue, String template)

   * Simplify a genuine mime type into a simple one like "pdf", "image" or an extension like "doc".
  String simplifyMimeType(String mimeType)

   * Get an extension from a mime type.
  String getExtensionFromMimeType(String mimeType)