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Prerequisites to use Gallery Magick Image Processing modules

Note: If you use only org.onehippo.forge.gallerymagick.core.command.ScalrProcessorUtils, then the prerequisites in the following can be ignored because the utility class is a pure Java based solution, using imgscalr - Java Image-Scaling Library.

Gallery Image Processing modules provide an image file processing library and CMS Plugins, which in the end execute commands (such as gm convert or convert) of either GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick to manipulate image files.

Therefore, either GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick must be installed on the system.

By intallaing either GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick, it means either the executable command of GraphicsMagick (i.e., gm) or the executable commands of ImageMagick (such as convert) should be available to execute. For example, the executable command(s) can be added PATH environment variable to execute.

However, for some reason, if you cannot have the executable command(s) available by the PATH environment variable, then you can set Java System property like the following instead to specify exact paths of the executables:

Java System Property Name Description Example The path of the executable command of GraphicsMagick. If not specified, it simply executes gm, expecting to find it from PATH. The path of the convert executable command of ImageMagick. If not specified, it simply executes convert, expecting to find it from PATH. The path of the identify executable command of ImageMagick. If not specified, it simply executes identify, expecting to find it from PATH.

Installing GraphicsMagick

Please see Installing GraphicsMagick page, or GraphicsMagick Download page.

You can also use Homebrew to install it on OSX as explained in Graphicsmagick - BrewFormulas like the following examples:

$ brew install graphicsmagick
$ brew reinstall graphicsmagick --with-libtiff

You can also find a port provided by MacPorts.

Installing ImageMagick

Please see ImageMagick: Install from Binary Distribution page.

You can also use Homebrew to install it on OSX as explained in Imagemagick - BrewFormulas like the following examples:

$ brew install imagemagick

You can also find a port provided by MacPorts.