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Installing Bloomreach XM Document Commenting Plugin

Add Dependencies

Make sure you have the forge Maven2 repository reference and dependency definition in the root pom.xml of your project.


      <!-- SNIP -->

        <name>Hippo Maven 2 Forge repository</name>
        <snapshots />

      <!-- SNIP -->


    <!-- SNIP -->


      <!-- SNIP -->


        <!-- SNIP -->

        <!-- NOTE: You should set a property named 'bloomreach.forge.doc-commenting.version' to a version of this plugin! -->


        <!-- SNIP -->


      <!-- SNIP -->


Add the following dependencies to either cms-dependencies/pom.xml in Bloomreach XM 13 or in cms/pom.xml in the earlier versions.


      <!-- SNIP -->



      <!-- SNIP -->


Note: before version 5.0.0, the artifacts' groupId was org.onehippo.forge.doc-commenting

Now, you're ready to use the plugin!

Security Domain Configuration (for XM 13 or lower)

Since the XM 14-compatible version 5.0.0, node /hippo:configuration/hippo:domains/doccommenting is bootstrapped by the plugin itself (doc-commenting-repository.jar). When upgrading towards 14, best approach is to first remove this node from project yamls, then redo any changes.

This plugin stores comment data in JCR node structure by default (using DefaultJcrCommentPersistenceManager). The default CommentPersistenceManager requires the user to be able to write doccommenting-commentdatacontainer and doccommenting:commentdata nodes under /doccommentdata node.

Therefore, you should add Hippo Security Domain configurations under /hippo:configuration/hippo:domains/ like the following (in yaml format), in order to allow users in both 'author' and 'editor' groups to be able to read/write the comment data nodes, for instance:

  jcr:primaryType: hipposys:domain
    jcr:primaryType: hipposys:domainrule
      jcr:primaryType: hipposys:facetrule
      hipposys:equals: true
      hipposys:facet: jcr:primaryType
      hipposys:filter: false
      hipposys:type: Name
      hipposys:value: doccommenting:commentdata
    jcr:primaryType: hipposys:domainrule
      jcr:primaryType: hipposys:facetrule
      hipposys:equals: true
      hipposys:facet: jcr:primaryType
      hipposys:filter: false
      hipposys:type: Name
      hipposys:value: doccommenting:commentdatacontainer
    jcr:primaryType: hipposys:authrole
    hipposys:groups: [editor, author]
    hipposys:role: readwrite