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Command Line Examples To Import Content

Import Content from a Package ZIP

In this section, we will see how to import binaries and documents from the given package ZIP file back to the Demo Application.

After running the Demo Application, let's import binaries and documents like the following.

$ cat import-params.json
  publishOnImport: "none"
$ curl -i \
    -F "params=@import-params.json" \
    -F "" \
    -u admin:admin \

HTTP/1.1 200 
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2018 22:04:37 GMT
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="uuid:de10ee65-f3e7-4817-ba3c-a7cfdeb0dcc4"
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <logs>

INFO 2018-02-20 17:04:30,877 ContentEximService#importContentFromZip begins with /usr/local/tomcat/
INFO 2018-02-20 17:04:37,634 ContentEximService#importContentFromZip ends.

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <summary>

  "totalBinaryCount" : 8,
  "totalDocumentCount" : 24,
  "succeededBinaryCount" : 8,
  "failedBinaryCount" : 0,
  "succeededDocumentCount" : 24,
  "failedDocumentCount" : 0,
  "items" : [ {
    "path" : "/content/gallery/contenteximdemo/banners/banner-2.jpg",
    "primaryType" : "hippogallery:imageset",
    "succeeded" : true,
    "errorMessage" : null
  }, {
    "path" : "/content/gallery/contenteximdemo/banners/banner-1.jpg",
    "primaryType" : "hippogallery:imageset",
    "succeeded" : true,
    "errorMessage" : null
  // ...
    "path" : "/content/documents/contenteximdemo/events/2017/07/breakfast",
    "primaryType" : "contenteximdemo:eventsdocument",
    "succeeded" : true,
    "errorMessage" : null
  } ],
  "errors" : [ ],
  "progress" : 1.0

You can also override properties in ExecutionParams by adding optional form parameters like the following:

$ curl -i \
    -F "publishOnImport=live" \
    -F "params=@import-params.json" \
    -F "" \
    -u admin:admin \

Actually, as you can omit ExecutionParams in content import proccess to keep the default parameters, you can simply execute the importing process without the params attachment, like the following example:

$ curl -i \
    -F "publishOnImport=live" \
    -F "documentTags=contenteximdemo:tags=exim,v1.1" \
    -F "" \
    -u admin:admin \

You've just imported the binaries and documents in the content package ZIP file the system! Now, you can check if those are good through CMS system as well!