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This section assumes a standard Hippo CMS or BloomReach Experience project using Maven with a root pom and modules CMS and site. This addon allows for pluggable Web Archive managers and it is shipped with 2 built-in managers, one for ArchiefWeb and a mock manager for testing purposes. While installing, you need to specify which manager you wish to use, please read below.

Root pom: repositories, version management and dependency management

  1. In the main pom.xml of the project, in the repositories section, add this repository if it is not configured there yet.

          <name>Bloomreach Forge maven 2 repository.</name>
  2. Add the addon version to the main pom.xml of the project


    Note: always check for the latest version number and compatibility with the project on the Release Notes page.

  3. It is recommended to use the <dependencyManagement><dependencies> section to set the version of all the addon artifacts. Please pay extra attention to dependencies that need to have a "provided" scope. Depending which manager you want to use, comment and uncomment the corresponding dependencies below:

        <!--Uncomment to use the ArchiefWeb manager
        <!--The "Tester" manager is now enabled -->
  4. Add the "common" artifact as a direct, provided dependency to the <dependencies> section

  5. Add the "common" artifact as a shared lib dependency via the profile. If you are creating a distribution, make sure the artifact is also listed in src/main/assembly/shared-lib-component.xml


Installation in CMS module

  1. Add the following dependencies to the cms pom.xml, notice the provided dependency and comment/uncomment the desired Web Archive manager


Installation in Site module

  1. Add the following dependencies to the site pom.xml, please notice the provided dependency



  1. To change logging level for the addon, add the following <logger> configuration in conf/log4j-dev.xml and conf/log4j-dist.xml

        <logger name="org.onehippo.forge.webarchiving">
          <level value="info"/>