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Advanced Rule


This type of rule will present you with three input fields and a couple of checkboxes, namely:

  - Description
  - Conditions
  - From
  - To
  - Case Sensitive
  - Type
  - Use Wildcard Matching
  - Process Other Rules
  - Append Query String


This field is meant to provide a clear description of the rule, so it's clear for other people what it does and why it was created. This will also help you to find it later using the search.


These conditions must match for this rule to be processed, click here for the documentation.


Here you can enter the regular expression that the incoming URL will be matched against. (Assuming 'Use Wildcard Matching' is unchecked, see below)


What the matched part of the URL will be rewritten to, all other parts of the URL will remain intact. It can contain backreferences, variables and functions.

Backreference Explanation
$N Provides access to the grouped parts (parentheses) of the pattern from the 'From' field.
%N Provides access to the grouped parts (parentheses) of the pattern from the last matched Condition in the current rule.
Variable Example
%{scheme} Will return either http or https. Any valid condition type can be used as a variable name.
Function Example Example would return
replace ${replace:my cat is a blue cat:cat:dog} my dog is a blue dog
replaceFirst ${replaceFirst:my cat is a blue cat:cat:dog} my dog is a blue cat
escape ${escape:a b c} a+b+c
unescape ${unescape:a+b+c} a b c
lower ${lower:Hello World} hello world
upper ${upper:hello} HELLO
trim ${trim: abc def } abc def

Case Sensitive

Tick this checkbox to take the case of the URL that is matched into account.


What type of redirect should take place.

Rule Type HTTP status code
temporary-redirect Redirect with 302 response code
permanent-redirect Redirect with 301 response code
forward Requests matching the "conditions" for this "rule", and the URL in the "from" element will be internally forwarded to the URL specified in the "to" element.
redirect Requests matching the "conditions" and the "from" for this rule will be HTTP redirected
proxy The request will be proxied to the full url specified

Use Wildcard Matching

Use wildcard matching instead of regular expressions. A single wildcard (*) will match any single element, ** will match all elements. See this page for some examples.

Process Other Rules

Other rules will be processed after this one succeeds, same as not specifying the 'last' flag for Apache HTTPD mod_rewrite.

Append Query String

If this option is checked, the query string of the matched URL (field 'Rewrite From') is kept in the rewritten URL.