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How Handlebars Templating Support Module support HST-2 Integration?

Handlebars Templating Support Module provides equivalent features to HST-2 JSP Tab Libraries.


HstRequestContext, HstRequest and HstResponse objects can always be accessed through hstRequestContext, hstRequest and hstResponse.



Synopsis: generate an HST link by the given HippoBean with the following parameter(s):

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 HippoBean Content bean to link to. Yes
1 boolean whether to generate link as a fully qualified URL No false


{{hst:linkByHippoBean document}}


Synopsis: generate an HST link by the given path info with the following parameter(s):

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 String Content path to link to. Yes
1 boolean whether to generate link as fully qualified URL No false


{{hst:linkByPath "/news"}}


Synopsis: generate an HST link by the given sitemap item reference ID with the following parameter(s):

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 String Sitemap item reference ID to link to. Yes
1 boolean whether to generate link as fully qualified URL No false


{{hst:linkBySiteMapItemRefId "root"}}


Synopsis: generate an HST link by the given HippoFacetSubNavigation items with the following parameter(s):

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 HippoFacetSubNavigation Current HippoFacetSubNavigation object. Yes
1 HippoFacetSubNavigation HippoFacetSubNavigation object to remove No
2 List<HippoFacetSubNavigation> The list of HippoFacetSubNavigations to remove. Yes


{{hst:linkForFacet curSubNav removeItem removeList}}


Synopsis: generate an HST WebFiles link by the given path with the following parameter(s):

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 String WebFile path to link to. Yes
1 boolean whether to generate link as a fully qualified URL No false


{{hst:webfileByPath "/js/bootstrap.min.js"}}


Synopsis: rewrite the given HippoHtmlBean content to HTML markups with the following parameter(s):

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 HippoHtmlBean HippoHtmlBean instance. Yes
1 boolean whether to generate link as a fully qualified URL No false


{{hst:htmlByHippoHtml document.body}}


Synopsis: rewrite the given formatted text string to HTML markups with the following parameter(s):

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 String Formatted text Yes
1 boolean whether to generate link as a fully qualified URL No false


{{hst:htmlByFormattedText document.introduction}}


Synopsis: rewrite the given HippoHtmlBean content to HTML markups with the following parameter(s):

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 ContentRewriter<String> HippoHtmlBean instance. Yes
1 HippoHtmlBean HippoHtmlBean instance. Yes
2 ImageVariant HippoHtmlBean instance. No
3 boolean whether the ContentRewriter should use an imageVariant. No false
4 boolean whether to generate link as a fully qualified URL No false


{{hst:rewriteHippoHtml contentRewriter document.body}}


Synopsis: Include the child component window’s output after finding it by the given child component window reference name with the following parameter(s):

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 String Child component window reference name Yes


    {{{hst:includeChild "container"}}}


Synopsis: Generate an HST Render URL:

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 String Additional Request Parameters in HTTP Query String format No


{{hst:renderURL "a=1&b=2"}}


Synopsis: Generate an HST Action URL:

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 String Additional Request Parameters in HTTP Query String format No


{{hst:actionURL "a=1&b=2"}}


Synopsis: Generate an HST Resource URL:

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 String Resource ID Yes
1 String Additional Request Parameters in HTTP Query String format No


{{hst:resourceURL "aResourceID"}}


Synopsis: Generate an HST Component Rendering URL:

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 String Additional Request Parameters in HTTP Query String format No




Synopsis: Contribute an HEAD element.

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 String Head Element content in text Yes
1 String Key hint of this contributed head element No
2 String Head Element category name No


{{hst:contributeHeadElement "<meta name=\"mymeta\" content=\"Handlebars templatingis working!\"/>"}}


Synopsis: Write all the contributed HEAD elements meeting the conditions.

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 String Comma separated category names to include No
1 String Comma separated category names to exclude No
2 boolean Whether to write in XHTML format No false


{{hst:contributedHeadElements "body, head", "exclude,stuff", true}}


Synopsis: Set the i18n ResourceBundle in the template

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 String Resource Bundle basename Yes
0 boolean Whether to fall back to the Java system ResourceBundle No false


{{hst:setBundle "essentials.pagination"}}


Synopsis: Get the i18n message by the given key from the underlying ResourceBundle

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 String Resource Bundle Message key Yes


{{hst:bundleMessage "results.indication"}}


Synopsis: Replace text by the given or underlying ResourceBundle.

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 String String to replace Yes
1 ResourceBundle The ResourceBundle contains key-value pairs No


{{hst:replaceByBundleName "Hello, ${results.indication}!" bundle}}


Synopsis: Replace text by the ResourceBundle that is resolved by the given bundle name.

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 String String to replace Yes
1 String The basename of the ResourceBundle No


{{hst:replaceByBundleName "Hello, ${results.indication}!" "essentials.pagination"}}


Synopsis: Create an HTML comment snippet that contains information about the manage content link in CMS.

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 HippoBean Content bean to manage Yes
1 String Path to the root folder of selectable document locations. No false
2 String Initial location of a new document, relative to the rootPath. No false
3 String Name of the component parameter to set when changing the content. No false
4 String Template query to use for creating new documents. No false


{{hst:manageContent document}}


Synopsis: Generate the link that can be used as editable link or HTML comment for a menu in CMS.

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 CommonMenu menu object Yes


{{hst:cmsEditMenuLink menu}}


Synopsis: Generate the link that can be used as editable link or HTML comment for a document in CMS.

Index Type Description Required? Default value
0 HippoBean Content bean to edit Yes
1 boolean Whether to generate as HTML comment No false


{{hst:cmsEditLink document}}