These instructions assume a brXM project based on the Bloomreach website archetype, i.e. a Maven multi-module project
with parent pom org.onehippo.cms7:hippo-cms7-release
and consisting of at least three sub-modules: cms, site and repository-data.
In the main pom.xml of the project, in the repositories section, add this repository if it is not configured there yet.
<name>Bloomreach Forge maven 2 repository.</name>
Add this property to the properties section of the root pom.xml:
Select the correct version for your project. See the release notes for more information on which version is applicable.
Add these dependencies to the <dependencyManagement>
section of the root pom.xml:
Add this dependency to the <dependencies>
section of the site/pom.xml. It contains the site decorator filter.
Add the following filter to the site's web.xml. It should be defined as second filter mapping in chain so just after CharacterEncodingFilter (in a standard brXM project).
<!-- decorate mapping -->
<!-- un-decorate mapping -->
Always add the following dependency to the <dependencies>
section of the cms/pom.xml. It contains default
configuration and the CMS filter.
Optionally, install the CMS filter.
<!-- decorate mapping -->
<!-- un-decorate mapping -->
Rebuild your project and distribute. In case you start with an existing repository don't forget to add -Drepo.bootstrap=true to your startup options.