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Installing Experience Manager Page Management Support

Add Dependencies

Make sure you have the Forge Maven 2 repository reference and dependency definition in the root pom.xml of your project.


      <!-- SNIP -->

        <name>Hippo Maven 2 Repository</name>

      <!-- SNIP -->


    <!-- SNIP -->


      <!-- SNIP -->


        <!-- SNIP -->

        <!-- NOTE: You should set a property named '' to a version of this plugin! -->

        <!-- DocumentManagementService as CMS application side dependency -->

        <!-- CopyPageEvent handler as SITE application side dependency -->

        <!-- SNIP -->


      <!-- SNIP -->


And add the following dependency reference into your CMS dependencies module pom.


      <!-- SNIP -->

      <!-- DocumentManagementService as CMS application side dependency -->

      <!-- SNIP -->


And add the following dependency reference into your SITE components module pom.


      <!-- SNIP -->

      <!-- CopyPageEvent handler as SITE application side dependency -->

      <!-- SNIP -->


Now, you're ready to use the plugin!