Interface PageFlowDefinition

    • Method Detail

      • getId

        String getId()
        Return the identifier of a PageFlowDefinition.
        the identifier of a PageFlowDefinition
      • getName

        String getName()
        Return the (human readable) name of a PageFlowDefinition.
        the (human readable) name of a PageFlowDefinition
      • getUuid

        String getUuid()
        Return the optional UUID of a PageFlowDefinition, possibly reflecting the backend storage level UUID such as JCR.
        the optional UUID of a PageFlowDefinition, possibly reflecting the backend storage level UUID such as JCR
      • getPageTransitionDefinitions

        List<PageTransitionDefinition> getPageTransitionDefinitions()
        Return an unmodifiable list of the global PageTransitionDefinitions of this PageFlowDefinition.

        The global PageTransitionDefinitions in the PageFlowDefinition level should be registered as PageTransition in each PageState at runtime even if a PageStateDefinition does not define the same PageTransitionDefinition explicitly.

        This global PageTransitionDefinitions are useful if you want to define a common PageTransitionDefinition that should be applied to each PageStateDefinition without having to define it in each PageStateDefinition level.

        an unmodifiable list of the global PageTransitionDefinitions of this PageFlowDefinition
      • equals

        boolean equals​(Object o)
        Compares the specified object with this PageFlowDefinition for equality.
        equals in class Object
        o - the object to be compared for equality with this PageFlowDefinition
        true if the specified object is equal to this PageFlowDefinition
      • hashCode

        int hashCode()
        Returns the hash code value for this PageFlowDefinition.
        hashCode in class Object
        the hash code value for this PageFlowDefinition