In the main pom.xml of the project, in the repositories section, add this repository if it is not configured there yet.
<repository> <id>hippo-forge</id> <name>Bloomreach Forge maven 2 repository.</name> <url></url> <snapshots> <enabled>false</enabled> </snapshots> <releases> <updatePolicy>never</updatePolicy> </releases> <layout>default</layout> </repository>
In the main pom.xml of the project, in the properties section, add this property. For the correct version number, check the Release Notes page.
Preferred way is to get the code as Maven dependency into your project.
<dependency> <groupId>org.onehippo.forge.jcrrunner</groupId> <artifactId>jcrrunner</artifactId> <version>${forge.jcrrunner.version}</version> </dependency>
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Build the project using Maven:
$ mvn clean install
You can also execute it:
mvn clean compile exec:java
After the first run you can use the slightly faster command
mvn -o -q compile exec:java
In the (absolute) path * and ** can be used. For example:
This will match /content/documents/[any path element]/2009/[everything below]
Specify the query language, in this case "xpath"
repository.query=content/gallery//element(*, hippogallery:imageset)
This will match all document; within path "content/gallery which are of the type "hippogallery:imageset"
# repository configuration repository.url=rmi:// repository.user=admin repository.pass=admin # everything that starts with /content/documents repository.path=/content/documents/** # Java plugins
# repository configuration repository.url=rmi:// repository.user=admin repository.pass=admin repository.query.language=xpath repository.query=content/gallery//element(*, hippogallery:imageset) # Java plugins