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What is HST - Spring Framework Support?

This project provides components which fill the gap between HST-2 framework and Spring Framework.

See Features page for all the features.

For example, HST-2 supports Repository Dynamic ResourceBundle stored in the repository. However, Spring Framework Internationalization Support with MessageSource is unaware of how to retrieve HST-2 Dynamic ResourceBundles using HST-2 API. Therefore, this project provides HstRepositoryResourceBundleMessageSource to be able to use HST-2 Dyanmic ResourceBundles as well as the default Java ResourceBundles provided by Spring Framework.

Also, this project supports a HandlerExceptionResolver which can handle HST page not found exception to forward the request to the specified HST 'page-not-found' sitemap item path.

Whenever there's any gap found between HST-2 Framework and Spring Framework, this project will keep providing proper solutions to make seamless integration between two.

Project status

Please see Release Notes.