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Using SalesForceRestClient component

SalesForceRestClient is a client tool component which makes it easy to invoke SalesForce REST APIs.

Most properties of SalesForceRestClient are configured with default values such as SalesForce REST API URLs. Those properties can be configured by yourself and some security related properties should be configured for yourself or your organization. Here are properties list you can configure:

Property Type Description Example value Default value
connectionInfo SalesForce REST API Connection Info Object
baseUrl java.lang.String SalesForce REST API Base URL
authTokenPath java.lang.String SalesForce oAuth Token Request URL Path /services/oauth2/token /services/oauth2/token
baseServicesDataPath java.lang.String SalesForce Data Services URL Path /services/data /services/data
baseServicesDataEnvPath java.lang.String SalesForce Data Services Environment URL Path /services/data/v22.0 /services/data/v20.0
clientId java.lang.String The Client ID to connect to SalesForce REST API 3MVG9lKcPoNINVBJSoQsNCD.HHDdbugPsNXwwyFbgb47KWa_PTv
clientSecret java.lang.String The Client Secret to connect to SalesForce REST API 5678471853609579508
username java.lang.String The username to connect to SalesForce REST API
password java.lang.String The password to connect to SalesForce REST API password
securityToken java.lang.String The Security Token to connect to SalesForce REST API hhWVl82SHphnA50OTBt2DAZk

Here is an example on how to create and initialize SalesForceRestClient component in Java code:

SalesForceConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new SalesForceConnectionInfo();

SalesForceRestClient client = new SalesForceRestClient();

// Establish access token now; after establishing you can use other methods without authorization.

Creating a record

Here's an example of how to create an Account record by using simple JSON objects.

JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject("{ \"Name\": \"test\" }");
JSONObject jsonObject = client.createRecord("/sobjects/Account", json);
System.out.println("Created object: " + jsonObject);
// Now you can get the ID of the created account record.
String id = jsonObject.getString("id");

Retrieving a record

Here's an example of how to create an Account record by using simple JSON objects.

JSONObject jsonObject = client.getObjectsFromResourcePath("/sobjects/Account/12345/");
System.out.println("Retrieved object: " + jsonObject);

Updating a record

Here's an example of how to create an Account record by using simple JSON objects.

client.updateRecord("/sobjects/Account/12345/", JSONObject.fromObject("{ \"BillingCity\" : \"San Francisco\" }"));
jsonObject = client.getObjectsFromResourcePath("/sobjects/Account/12345/");
System.out.println("Updated Object: " + jsonObject);

Deleting a record

Here's an example of how to create an Account record by using simple JSON objects.

System.out.println("Deleted Object Path: /sobjects/Account/12345/");