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Plugin version Bloomreach Experience Manager version
7.x 16.x
6.x 15.x
5.x 14.x
4.x 13.x
3.x 12.x
2.x 11.x
1.x 10.x
0.x 7.9.x

Release Notes for Bloomreach XM 16


Release date: 09 July 2024

  • FORGE-535
    Upgrade for Experience Manager 16 compatibility.

Release Notes for Bloomreach XM 15


Release date: 04 January 2024

  • FORGE-437
    Upgrade for Experience Manager 15 compatibility.

Release Notes for Bloomreach XM 14


Release Date: 04 March 2020

  • HIPFORGE-336
    Upgrade for Experience Manager 14 compatibility.

    Upgrade actions required due to new security model

    The security model has changed in the BrXM V14. Therefore the authorization model has slightly changed. Authors and editors do not have access to the extra folder options by default. To grant users access to those extra actions, the users should be granted a newly introduced privilege on the folders they should have the additional folder options. For more info see: Permissions for Extra Folder Context Menus Plugin.

    The new version makes use of an override of the folder workflow. This means that when the project uses custom classes for the threepane workflow, specifically the folder-extended and folder-permissions categories, those classes need to be aligned with the new ExtendedFolderWorkflow implementation.

Release Notes for Bloomreach XM 13


Release Date: 17 April 2019

  • HIPFORGE-283
    Bugfix to preserve folder names on copy/move.


Release Date: 19 January 2019

Release Notes for Bloomreach XM 12


Release Date: 17 April 2019

  • HIPFORGE-283
    Bugfix to preserve folder names on copy/move.


  • HIPFORGE-118
    Bugfix - updateFolderTranslations not working since 11.x


Compliant with Hippo CMS v12.

Release Notes for Hippo CMS 11


  • HIPFORGE-119
    Bugfix - updateFolderTranslations not working since 11.x


Compliant with Hippo CMS v11.

Release Notes for Hippo CMS 10


Fixing a bug: when moving a folder, the folder translation name is set to the folder node name.


Compatible with Hippo CMS 10.

Release Notes for Hippo CMS 7.9


Fixing the problem: "When a folder is moved, the hippo:paths property of a folder node still has old ancestors folder UUID."


Fixing the problem that hippo:paths property is not recomputed after moving a folder.


Fixing wicket page serialization error due to some non-serializable objects in this plugin.


Optimize FolderCopyTask by improving node traversing utility.


Removing javax.jcr.Session#save() or #refresh(boolean) call in the task classes. Those should be handled in the caller side. e.g, menu plugin classes or groovy script side.


Session cleanup by invoking on Session.refresh(false) when exception occurs.

Moving folder copy/move code into separate task classes in order to enable programmatic usages (e.g, in groovy scripts).

CopyHandler to be injectable in FolderCopyTask for more advanced control.


Resetting hippotranslation:id properties in folder and documents after copying a folder.


Take offline all the copied documents initially after copying a folder by default.


Re-label the destination folder field to 'Destination Folder'.


Fixing a bug that the destination translated folder was labeled to the user language name.


Initial Release for 7.9.x