Add a new "Feed" document (aka descriptor) anywhere in your CMS.
In the CMS, in the Content / Documents section, create a new folder called 'syndication'.
In the folder 'syndication', create some documents of type 'RSS 2.0 Feed', 'Atom 1.0 Feed' or 'Generic Feed' fill it with dummy text.
Note: the document names are very important to remember because they will be used later on when trying to get one of the feeds.
While you still have the Document open add query parameters on the right side of your document. Such as; document type, limit, etc etc.
In order to make your feed findable you need to add a sitemap item to your configuration. Take a look at the example from the demo. The path of the sitemap item is feed/_any_.xml. Make sure to adjust this to your situation! Keep in mind that everything you change in the CMS console is case sensitive.
You could create a link to your Feed document from anywhere in your CMS.
HST will resolve the link to the Feed.
Admire the result: http://localhost:8080/site/feed/syndication/rss.xml
Every Feed has one or more entries. RSS Channel has Items, Atom Feed has entries.
With the SyndicationElement annotation you can couple bean property methods with entry elements: see the NewsDocument bean from the demo .