Interface DocumentVariantImportTask

    • Method Detail

      • createOrUpdateDocumentFromVariantContentNode

        String createOrUpdateDocumentFromVariantContentNode​(org.onehippo.forge.content.pojo.model.ContentNode contentNode,
                                                            String primaryTypeName,
                                                            String documentLocation,
                                                            String locale,
                                                            String localizedName)
                                                     throws ContentMigrationException
        Creates or updates the document as primary node type of primaryTypeName at the document handle node path (documentHandlePath) with a localized document name (localizedName) for the specific locale.
        contentNode - ContentNode instance as a source data to create or update a document
        primaryTypeName - primary node type name of the document to create
        documentLocation - document handle node path where the document should be created or updated
        locale - locale name for the localizedName
        localizedName - localized document name
        the document handle path where the document was created or updated by this operation
        ContentMigrationException - if creation or updating fails
      • updateDocumentFromVariantContentNode

        javax.jcr.Node updateDocumentFromVariantContentNode​(org.onehippo.forge.content.pojo.model.ContentNode contentNode,
                                                            javax.jcr.Node documentNode)
                                                     throws ContentMigrationException
        Updates the document given by documentHandle from the POJO contentNode.
        contentNode - ContentNode instance as a source data to create or update a document
        documentNode - document handle JCR node that is to be updated, or a document JCR node that has a handle as parent.
        the document handle node of the document updated by this operation
        IllegalArgumentException - if documentNode is null, not a handle nor a document
        ContentMigrationException - if updating fails