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Obtaining the plugin via Maven repository

The advanced search taxonomy workflow plugin is available via the Hippo Forge Maven repository. It's version is managed in the Hippo release pom that your project normally used as parent.

Make sure you have the forge Maven2 repository reference and dependency definition in the root pom.xml of your project.

  <!-- SNIP -->
    <name>Hippo Maven 2 Forge Repository</name>
  <!-- SNIP -->
<!-- SNIP -->
  <!-- SNIP -->
    <!-- SNIP -->
    <!-- NOTE: You should set a property named 'taxonomy-bulkwf.version' to a version of this plugin! -->
    <!-- SNIP -->
  <!-- SNIP -->

Please add the taxonomy-bulkwf-frontend and taxonomy-bulkwf-repository dependencies to your project's CMS pom.xml.

<!-- Advanced Search Taxonomy Workflow plugin -->

Note: if you want to add this to an existing repository, be sure to use startup option -Drepo.bootstrap=true for initializing the types, see Content Bootstrap